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Our duty to the future is to be accurate about the past


The Christchurch History Society was formed in 1989 and is dedicated to the study of the past of the Borough of Christchurch and its environs and the preservation of all aspects of the past and surviving heritage.  The Society is unusual in that it has an archive collection to manage, preserve and expand.  

The objectives of the Society as a non-profit making Society, are to :


  • Promote and encourage the study of history, heritage and archaeology in Christchurch and its environs in Hampshire and Dorset, by means of lectures, talks, visits, research projects and publications and through general social intercourse of its Members.    The programme for the year includes evening lectures that run from September through to June. They are held at Christchurch Junior School, Clarendon Road in Christchurch and attract audiences of upwards of 70 Members and Guests. The Society also arranges from time to time visits in the summer months and guided walks throughout the year.   The Society also attends various community events throughout the year to provide information to the community. For further details, please click on the Events tab.

  • Maintain a list of speakers, authors, and experts on history, heritage and archaeology.

  • Maintain, preserve and expand a large historic collection of archival material in the ownership of the Society in Christchurch.     The work of the Christchurch History Society is additional to, and independent of, the service offered by Hampshire Record Office and Dorset History Centre.   Christchurch History Society offers local access to its service for residents, visitors and on-line enquirers using a wide range of printed and digital resources. For further details, please click on the Archive tab.

  • Carry out research for enquirers and provide informed advice, information, opinion and comment on any historic topic, issue or policy which may arise and which may affect adversely or otherwise any aspect of historic interest in Christchurch and its environs face-to-face and an on-line.

  • Liaise with other history groups locally, regionally and nationally so as to further the interests of the Society.

The Christchurch History Society is totally volunteer based and only exists due the dedication of its Members and the Society is extremely appreciative of all donations whenever they are received.


The Christchurch History Society has a number of publications that are available for purchase. They fall into two categories – Books and Booklets (as published by the Society from time to time) and the Society's Journal (published quarterly). To purchase any of these, please visit the Store.

Membership is open to anyone with an interest in the history of Christchurch and its Environs.   The year runs from 1st September to 31st August in the following year, but applications for the next year are accepted from 1st June.  The current annual subscription is £13 for single membership, £18 for joint membership at the same address.  Members are entitled to receive four free copies of the Society’s Journal.  All Members are entitled to receive a hard copy of the Journal – one per household.  To download a Membership Appllication Form, please go to the Home Page.

Who we are - details of the Christchurch History Society Committee

The Christchurch History Society is managed by a group of Members through a Committee which, following amendments to the Constitution agreed at the 2018 Annual General Meeting, comprises four Officers and up to eleven Co-ordinators. The Committee meets at least four times a year.

The Officers are the Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Programme Secretary.

At the 2023 AGM our Chairman, Christine Payne, retired, since when no-one has come forward to replace her, so at a special meeting of the Committee held on 18th November 2024 it invoked powers vested in it by our Constitution for filling vacancies and appointed Peter Mearns to be our Chairman and Medi Bernard to be our Secretary. The Officers are therefore now as follows:-


Peter Mearns


Medi Bernard


Charles Clark

Programme and Events Secretary 

Ian Watson

The Co-ordinators (posts and current holders) are:

Archives                Janet Burn

Research              Janet Burn

Catalogue             Graham Budd

Membership         John King

Journal Editor      Peter Mearns

Book Sales           Medi Bernard

Webmaster           Charles Clark

Committee Member      Christine Payne

Facebook              (Currently vacant – enquiries to Charles Clark)

Public Relations and Events    (Currently vacant – enquiries to Ian Watson)

Co-opted Member (We have room on the Committee for one co-opted member)

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